
Bank of Spain regulations

On December 22, 2016 The Bank of Spain published the technical application 1/2016, referring to the Bank of Spain ordinary cash service for euro banknotes and coins. This technical application implements European regulation ECB/2010/14 on Cash Management, which entered into force on 1 January 2011.

The 1/2016 cash application applies to the 1-cent, 10-cent, 20-cent, and 50-cent-coin blister packs in the following manner:

  Color  Coins per blister Blister value
1 ct coin White or Transparent (formerly Black) 50  €0.50
10 ct Coin Blue 40 (formerly 50) €4.00 (formerly €5)
20 ct Coin Orange 40 (formerly 25) €8.00 (formerly €5)
50 ct Coin Green 40 (formerly 25) €20.00 (formerly €12.5) 

(The values that have been modified with respect to the old currency used in Spain have been highlighted in bold.) 

For more information please consult the following official websites:

Bank of Spain: Cash service to credit institutions 

1/2016 Cash Technical Application

European Central Bank: Cash Management

European decision ECB/2010/14 (in Spanish)